Friday, January 25, 2013

Just Starting Out - Hello Out There!

Well Hello! I'm trying something new and after talking with my husband and one of my best friends, decided that maybe a blog would be the route to take.

I really have to give the credit to one of my best friends. She has been telling me for years (and I mean a really long time!) to go teach and share my knowledge. Well, it's taken me a long time to get it through my thick skull and understand that she's probably right! So, here I am, starting a blog.

I look forward to sharing all kinds of things that I have picked up and learned along the way. I'm an avid cook, love to craft, and dedicated to learning all I can about staying healthy. My wish is that you will find my blog informative, entertaining and useful. 

Thank you for this opportunity and stay tuned for future posts!

xoxo - Diva Dee

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